For the very first time

For the very first time, online and self-paced I have put together this class totally dedicated to the art of Light Painting with still life. Learn what is required, how to achieve this yourself at home and how to edit it to bring out the details and painterly texture. We look at what subjects to use, how to stage it and what sort of light is required. Mostly from household items you probably already have.

So what is Light painting

Light painting is an photographic technique that uses a moving light source to add light to an under-illuminated subject while taking a long-exposure photograph. A scene or object can be brought to life by painting with a beam of light! Whether that is a piece of fruit or a house the technique is similar. It is sometimes referred to Light Sculpting as well. Light Painting or Light Sculpting is all about the light. Literally all about the light. Traditional photography relies on either natural light or artificial light in the form of a continuous studio light or speed light, often quick bursts of light. Light Painting is quite different. We will be working with longer exposures of usually 45 - 90 seconds, depending on various external forces.

A flick of the wrist...

Have you seen Harry Potter? Remember when they were trying to get the feather to levitate, the ‘swish and flick’? It’s kind of like that. Aim your torch at you scene and lightly feathering your way along the highlights only, no need to paint in the shadows they happen naturally. Remember to capture folds in fabric, edges of boxes or books. Handles on cutlery, knives or scissors, small delicate highlights on the loose ends of yarn, twine or ribbon.

So why shoot in the dark?

Have you ever sat quietly in the dark with your thoughts? It can be calming and meditative, as can the art of still life photography, combining them both can be a joy for some. It also teaches us patience and to use our imagination. It can help calm the mind and see our subject clearly without distractions. When we sit in the dark and focus our camera, thoughts and light on our subject it is suddenly very easy to see what is our focus, and where the highlights and shadows are. It becomes evident, without all the distractions, of WHERE to paint our light.


See what our Students are saying

“Over the past few years, I have been trying to learn light painting. I found a few tutorials but I couldn’t quite get it and got frustrated and stopped trying. I was searching the Web, and came across Julie’s beautiful photos so I looked for her website and saw that she had a class on Light Painting. Her class was very easy to understand as she gives so much information with videos and written instructions. This is just what I needed and I was able get the results that I was looking for. I am so happy I found Julie and look forward to continuing my education with her.”

Kathleen White

Here's what we cover...

  • Light Painting Basics

    We look at exactly what is required to achieve this look yourself. We'll look at gear, settings, props and tools. With step-by-step guides on how to create your own stunning scenes.

  • How to shoot your scene

    We'll look at everything required to capture the perfect image. From staging your scene, camera settings, how to capture your light, and how to overcome possible obstacles you may encounter. And of course, HOW to light your images to achieve a great result.

  • The Edit

    We look at editing your image, whether that is a single shot or as a composite. We look at basic edit and clean-up in Lightroom and then more substantial edit, doge and burn and colour grading in Photoshop as well.

Bonus Resources

Included bonus resources that help take your images to finish.

  • Bonus eBook - The Basics of Photography

    $25 value

    In this eBook, I cover some of the basics of photography, from camera settings to composition. Get off auto, learn different metering modes, shooting modes and so much more. If you are just starting out in photography, or need to brush up on the basics, then this book is for you.

  • Bonus eBook - The Light Painting Basics Guide

    $25 value

    In this eBook, I cover some of the basics of Light Painting by going through the basics to capture beautiful photos. This booklet is more of a companion guide to students of my Light Painting classes, but if you cannot get to one of my classes, this might be the next best thing.

  • Bonus fine art textures

    $15 value

    Three brand new fine art texture overlays which I used in the class and often use in my own workflow.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome (Video Version)

    2. Welcome (Text version)

    3. Download Resources

    4. A note on safety

    1. What is light painting (Video version)

    2. What is Light Painting? (Text version)

    3. Light Painting Basics (Video Version)

    4. Light painting basics (Text Version)

    5. When is the best time to practice (Video Version)

    6. When is the best time to practice? (Text Version)

    1. What gear do you need? (video version)

    2. What gear do you need? (text version)

    3. Camera gear and lenses (video version)

    4. Camera gear and lenses (Text version)

    5. Tripods and triggers (video version)

    6. Tripods and triggers (text version)

    7. Neutral Density Filters (video version)

    8. Neutral Density Filters (text version)

    9. Torches and lights (video version)

    10. Torches and lights ( Text Version)

    1. What to use as the main background? (video version)

    2. What to use as the main background? (text version)

    3. Great ideas for props (video version)

    4. Great ideas for props (text version)

    5. You can't beat a great crate (video version)

    6. You can't beat a great crate (text version)

    1. Swish and flick (Video and Text)

    2. Set the scene ( video version)

    3. Set the scene ( Text version)

    4. Camera Settings (video version)

    5. Camera Settings (text version)

    6. Possible problems you might encounter (video version)

    7. Possible problems you might encounter (text version)

    8. Single shot or composite? (Video Version)

    9. Single shot or composite? (text Version)

    10. Some final tips ( video version)

    11. Some final tips ( text version)

    12. So Let's Paint - video

    1. The final images in Lightroom

    2. Post-processing in Lightroom and Photoshop

    3. Bonus Freebies

About this course

  • $75.00
  • 42 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Pricing options

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